Transportation & Logistics International Volume 12 - Issue 2 | Page 11

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“ Our founding team of supply chain veterans and machine learning experts has created one of the most sophisticated suites of optimization tools in the supply chain world . We took 88,000 trucks off the road last year , and we ’ re doing that from Australia to Poland . We continually refine our technology . It ’ s not just about packing a truck to capacity , it ’ s also about making sure that when the load reaches the shipping dock , the guys picking it can achieve what was planned . Likewise , when the product reaches the customer , it can ’ t be damaged . Along the way , there are additional legal and safety complexities that must also be managed effectively in accordance with the unique requirements of each individual country ,” continues Tom .
Groundbreaking solutions
LevelLoad ensures deployment plans respect supply chain constraints , such as high customer service , transportation availability and warehouse capacity . It uses a combination of linear programming and reinforcement learning to create more efficient schedules across a transportation network .
“ We ’ ve patented this methodology , and the beauty of today ’ s operating environment is that we can handle vast quantities of data needed to manage such a complex task . We have access to data from ERP , supply management , and transportation and warehouse management systems , and use AI and reinforcement learning , to pull together an incredibly effective and quick solution that smooths out volatilities . Ironing out volatilities enables savings to be made . Carriers build inefficiencies into their rates , so by removing those inefficiencies , more favorable rates can be negotiated . Huge transportation savings have been made , quickly recovering implementation costs . This solution is loved by warehouse operators , workers , and carriers ; all the people who reap the benefits of its efficiencies .
“ Organizations , such as Kimberly-Clark , are using our solution and consequently saving millions . Being able to use network freight demand to match preferred carriers and distribution center capacity has been a real game-changer for Kimberly-Clark . LevelLoad helps to optimize operational efficiency , reduce costs , and improve customer satisfaction by enabling better planning and execution . The LevelLoad transportation replenishment schedule considers capacity constraints and allows early tendering , smoothing out the movements across their network . The solution performs daily optimization for the next 30 days and generates a globally optimized replenishment transportation schedule for the month , recommending early trucking capacity reservations across the entire network . This approach creates a smooth , optimized flow of products throughout the supply chain , saving money while increasing customer-order fill rates and timeliness .”
ProvisionAi ’ s groundbreaking solutions , LevelLoad and AutoO2 , have redefined transportation scheduling and load building , leading to enhanced customer service , optimized freight carrier utilization , and substantial cost savings . These patented innovations have been pivotal in achieving operational excellence and sustainability for numerous renowned clients .
“ It really is a win-win ,” Tom concludes . “ User acceptance is normally the problem when introducing new systems . For us , we ’ re seeing the opposite ; customers are asking us to roll out our solutions and expand to other areas quickly , which really is a high-class problem to have .” ■
www . provisionai . com
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