Transportation & Logistics International Volume 12 - Issue 2 | Page 10

. . . customers are asking us to roll out our solutions and expand to other areas quickly , which really is a high-class problem to have
◀ Tom Moore

I was born and raised in New Zealand , studied mathematics as both an undergrad and postgrad and then went on to get a degree in operations research . I decided to seek my fortune in America and started work in an industrial company . I was promoted very quickly to positions that nobody my age really should have been , running truck fleets and warehouses , implementing an entire ERP system and managing a sales office for a short period of time . It really was a baptism of fire and I still have the marks on my back to prove it ,” laughs Tom Moore , CEO and Founder , ProvisionAi .

“ I was then approached by a different firm and went on to work in supply chain consulting . After a while and having realized the disparity between the revenue I was generating and the salary I was earning , I decided to go it alone . One of my first clients was Procter & Gamble ( P & G ). Historically , they shipped truckloads of a single product , such as liquid detergent , which was a relatively straightforward process . When they came to us , they were trying to work out how best to ship a range of products requiring smaller quantities of each item : a few cases necessitating a huge increase in order selection . They were looking for help with automating the thinking behind their case picking . For many years , we worked with P & G under a nondisclosure order . Alongside some of my university friends , we created a
software system that solved their problem and enabled the most effective use of transportation capacity ,” he explains .
Maximizing efficiency
Today , AutoO2 , ProvisionAi ’ s optimization solution leverages artificial intelligence to optimize shipments with over 300 parameters , including axle weight , stacking , and both product and customerspecific loading rules . The solution can be customized further to align with existing systems . It uses advanced technology to create load plans to fill trucks fuller , as over 90 percent of all trucks are not filled to capacity . This then reduces the number of trucks needed , leading to better sustainability and reducing cost . Using advanced mathematics , AutoO2 increases the truck payload by five-to-ten percent and removes unneeded journeys from the road .
The ProvisionAi platform helps organizations smooth their transportation workflows . Using AI , its complementary solution , LevelLoad , looks out to the next 30 days to see what replenishment requirements must be shipped and which ones can wait . Then it evens out the flows so that the number of required trucks doesn ’ t fluctuate dramatically from one day to the next . ProvisionAi automatically gets the right products on the right number of trucks at the right time to increase service levels and maximize network efficiency .