Transportation & Logistics International Volume 12 - Issue 3 | Page 65

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Unipart
Adam explains how this sustainability push also ties into the firm ’ s circular economy solutions . “ A significant part of our sustainability strategy involves circular economy solutions . For instance , we manage waste by reusing and recycling products and materials . This approach has led to a 99.05 percent recycling rate and zero percent landfill for one customer ’ s engineering waste . Our reuse practices resulted in a cost avoidance of £ 716.5k in 2023 for this customer .”
The expansion of circular economy solutions is designed to support sustainability within the organization as well as for its clients . By supporting clients to recycle , refurbish , resell , and reuse materials , Unipart is helping to reduce their waste , environmental impact , and costs . “ Our circular economy solutions have been particularly wellreceived , as businesses are increasingly looking for ways to be more environmentally responsible while also improving their bottom line .” Making these improvements to the business is central to its strategy moving forward . They will not only help keep internal costs and wastage
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