Transportation & Logistics International Volume 11, Issue 6 | Page 17

Decarbonization while docked . Power supply becomes crucial to maintain the ship ’ s facilities and cater to the requirements of their cargo , like specific storage conditions or refrigeration .
It is anticipated that many larger ships will transition to methanol internal combustion engines , using methanol itself as a fuel rather than fuel cells . As a result , ports will need to bunker significant amounts of methanol to address the refueling of these ships . With M2H2 technology , ports can achieve a dual benefit from their methanol resources and generate hydrogen portside . In ports with considerably volatile weather conditions , like those in Houston , the technology becomes particularly appealing . The intricate nature of such port facilities , serving as transit nodes with unique specializations , geographical challenges , and services , may also require the integration of electric vehicles ( EVs ) as part of their operations . Functioning much like small cities , these port environments are actively working towards electrifying essential equipment such as cranes or drayage trucks , further highlighting the advantages of the M2H2 / PEM fuel cell combination .
Net Zero is a journey
With its unchanging complexities , stored hydrogen solutions just won ’ t work for clean shipping and propulsion . The answer lies in developing access beyond stored hydrogen – tapping into a proven reforming process and M2H2 systems generating hydrogen on demand .
Most importantly , shipping operators do not need to wait for the availability of green methanol to make meaningful progress toward their decarbonization goals . Methanolto-hydrogen reforming can use gray , green , or a mixture of both – deployable today and only getting greener as more sustainable
methanol options become a reality . As new fuels become available , vessels already outfitted with M2H2 reforming technology will be ahead of the pack and comfortably on course to avoid carbon levies that are beginning now . Mandates for reduced emissions are on the horizon ; hydrogen-ondemand is here now . ■
For a list of the sources used in this article , please contact the editor .
Bryan Reid www . rixindustries . com
Bryan Reid is Chief Sales Officer at RIX Industries . With a rich history in rugged design and engineering , RIX is responsive and nimble , partnering effectively to deliver technology insight . The company invests in customer relationships just as it invests in developing a culture of inspired design and ambitious engineering – delivering benefits not just products . From design to delivery to lifetime support , RIX offers unmatched versatility and real-world expertise that taps into its unique engineering talent and proud heritage .
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