Transportation & Logistics International Volume 11 - Issue 5 | Page 21

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Warehousing
Ease of access and how the operator interacts with the device should be considered when deciding what mount type to use and where it will be mounted . Workers will use the onboard technology multiple times throughout the workday . Is it mounted in a location where access does not impede the user ’ s typical daily performance ?
Another consideration is mount durability . For example , is the application subject to excessive vibration that could dislodge the device from the holder ? In addition , shock or vibration fatigue , extreme temperature cycles , and dusty environments could all damage the device . As a result , mounting design should consider likely application environments to guard against damage to the device or connections .
The most impactful benefit vehicle docks and cradles provide for logistics performance is improved operator capability . Moving the technology closer to the operator allows them to scan inventory codes and / or record vehicle performance information more easily . Quicker scans mean faster material processing and higher throughput per hour , all of which leads to optimized operations in an industry where every second counts . ■
For a list of the sources used in this article , please contact the editor .
Paul Waddilove www . getac . com / en
Paul Waddilove is Managing Director , UK & Nordics at Getac . Getac Technology Corporation is a global leader in rugged mobile technology and intelligent video solutions , including laptops , tablets , software , body-worn cameras , in-car video , interview rooms , and evidence management software .
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