Transport & Logistics International Volume 13 - Issue 1 | Page 99

RXO backhaul . RXO helps them by leaning on the relationships it has built with thousands of carriers and shippers over the years .
Customer commitment
RXO also assisted a customer , a premium cooler and drinkware company with a turnover of over $ 190 million , overcome significant challenges . The company made supply chain changes to reduce its production costs by fabricating part of its product in Mexico . However , the company had no experience shipping cross-border and needed a partner experienced in creating cross-border solutions for Mexico freight . By working with RXO ’ s Mexico team , the cooler brand was able to establish a cross-border solution that enabled the company to deliver over 500 cross-border loads . The team evaluated every customer concern and developed tactics to help mitigate risk and financial burdens while moving their product north and south of the border .
When a large home medical device manufacturer realized it was having significant challenges meeting delivery deadlines for replacement machines that failed at a customer ’ s home , it turned to RXO for a solution . For years , the company had relied on a combination of parcel companies and cartage agents to service the business , but they continuously missed their metric of 24 hours from order to delivery . This meant customers were unable to continue their treatments as needed .
After working closely with the company ’ s logistics teams , RXO developed a custom solution that took into account both the need for timely delivery and the current challenges to be solved . The new solution included combining two services that RXO offers : expedited solutions and last-mile delivery . This led to a 30 percent decrease in delivery times , increased patient satisfaction , and cost savings .
These examples demonstrate RXO ’ s commitment to providing more efficient , cost-effective , and innovative solutions that enable its customers to get their products wherever they need to go , in the timeframe they require . Even in time-critical cases , or when transporting unique or highly secure items , the company ’ s wealth of expertise empowers it to find solutions for any transportation need . ■
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