Glasgow Prestwick Airport ________________________________________________________________________________
welfare , and our stables have been recently upgraded . We also have cold store facilities with a temperature range of -35 to + 25 degrees , so we can handle perishables as well as pharmaceuticals .
“ The Fixed-Base Operator ( FBO ) at Prestwick is also the busiest in Scotland , delivering world-class aviation services . Operating as the sole in-house FBO and aircraft handling agent , Prestwick Aviation Service provides a true one-stop shop experience for all our customers . All services , including ground handling , fueling , cargo , and ground transport can be arranged through a single point of contact , providing complete flexibility .
“ Open 24 hours a day , services include military , tech stops , ferry flights , executive , general aviation , and fueling . In July , our FBO
supported 138 private flights in conjunction with the 152nd Open Championship at Royal Troon Golf Course . Aircraft ranged from fourseat helicopters to large executive jets such as the Bombardier Global 7500 .
“ Given Glasgow Prestwick ’ s location on the Great-Circle Route , we offer a perfect solution for transatlantic fuel stops , specializing in quick turns for aircraft of all sizes . We provide JET A-1 and AVGAS 100LL around the clock and can supply fuel through most major suppliers .”
In-house model
Nico explains what sets the airport apart from other transport and logistics hubs :
“ What differentiates us from most other airports is that all our services are delivered by a fully in-house team , from ground handling , including dispatch ,
Nico Le Roux ▶