Transport & Logistics International Volume 13 - Issue 1 | Page 56

London Southend Airport __________________________________________________________________________________
London Southend is making strides in its recovery program , but Nigel is quick to highlight that the uptake in passenger numbers wouldn ’ t have been possible without the airport ’ s marketing team . “ I believe we have the most creative airport marketing team in the London system ,” he states . “ We must be creative with our budgets to stand out in the network , and the team do fantastic work for both B2B and B2C channels , with great digital and social activity . We ’ ve teamed up with local influencers to give away holidays , for instance , and we ’ ve branded the train line into London with our airlines and destinations .”
As our conversation ends , Nigel turns to what ’ s next for the airport . “ Our main focus for 2025 is to ensure the easyJet base is seamlessly established and successful through both the summer and winter seasons , while also maintaining excellent service for our Eastern Airways routes . Passengers are a constant priority too , so we ’ ll continue to enhance our infrastructure to provide the best experience for customers traveling through the airport .
“ While easyJet will always be our anchor client , I ’ d like to see us diversify the network over the coming years . There are several inbound carriers unable to secure slots at the other constrained London airports , especially during the early morning peak , but we have ten stands at Southend and a terminal that can accommodate 3.5 million passengers , so we want to fill that with a mix of clients wanting access to London . By targeting these carriers , we can not only hit our pre-pandemic passenger numbers but also provide an even better experience for our passengers and the local community by adding new destinations and flights to our network ,” Nigel concludes . ■
www . londonsouthendairport . com