__________________________________________________________________________________________ Autonomous
Ships standalone tracking system . The ease with which illicit shipping can affect AIS tracking , through switching-off , spoofing and jamming , confirms that this ubiquitous system is not reliable enough to provide the tracking rigor required for today ’ s maritime security , safety , environmental , and sanctions compliance needs . Continued reliance on AIS alone will compromise any compliance enforcement attempts . The industry now urgently requires a non-compromisable solution that leverages multiple tracking data sources supplemented at times with affordable Earth-observation ( EO ) data sources to deliver persistent tracking of every vessel . This is necessary not only in high-risk areas ( HRAs ) but also in known jamming areas , ports , and high-ship density areas subject to signal contention where tracking information can sometimes be hard to attain or is disrupted .
Persistent tracking overlays multiple-vessel tracking services and data sources , including AIS and secure point-to-point satellite tracking systems ( Inmarat-C , Iridium , etc .), voyage plans when available , EO-data when relevant , and uses real-time analytics to transform the accuracy and reliability of vessel location data . the extent of dark activity and ensure secure , safe , clean , and compliant operations .
While AIS transformed vessel tracking in past decades , its simplicity has become a liability in today ’ s congested and high-risk seas . The system ’ s susceptibility to disabling , jamming , or spoofing creates gaps in vessel tracking data that allow bad actors to operate unchecked , while also compromising the safety of legitimate vessels . Signal congestion and interference further exacerbate these vulnerabilities , creating unacceptable risk across global shipping networks .
Without the adoption of a persistent tracking solution that layers multiple data streams to close these information gaps , the maritime sector will remain vulnerable to security threats , environmental disasters , supply chain disruptions , and escalating insurance costs . Enhanced compliance measures and risk assessments are a necessary starting point , but only a robust tracking framework can provide the transparency and reliability required to ensure maritime safety and security . ■
Confidence and compliance
With multiple layered data sources and robust cross referencing and analysis , the persistent tracking model allows stakeholders to have increased confidence in the true vessel position . Guessing is eliminated and errors associated with false positives are minimized , allowing stakeholders to ensure any anomaly or vessel deviation is immediately identified and notified , and open to investigation . Multiple , diverse vessel detection technologies feed into live dashboards , providing stakeholders with the essential visibility and control required to confidently locate and manage vessels . By adding the power of predictive analytics , artificial intelligence and machine learning , stakeholders can gain far more insight into
For a list of the sources used in this article , please contact the editor .
Captain Steve Bomgardner www . polestarglobal . com
Captain Steve Bomgardner is VP Shipping & Offshore at Pole Star Global . Pole Star is embedded into the fabric of global maritime trade – from vessel registration and safety to routing , performance and sanctions , along with cargo tracking , port arrivals and illicit behavior identification . Its patented technology and data enable responsibility in financing , voyage optimization , emissions control , life at sea , surveillance , identifying illicit behavior , and reputational risk , resulting in better protection for vessels , people , and investments .
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