Transport & Logistics International Volume 13 - Issue 1 | Page 18

Why is the logistics sector a target for cyber crime ?
Traditionally reliant on manual methods , technology has been integrated into all aspects of the sector , from inventory tracking to delivery management . While new technological developments have revolutionized supply chain operations , they also create vulnerabilities , making the sector attractive for cyber criminals .
The demand for real-time tracking , faster delivery through interconnected networks , and the migration of critical operations to cloud platforms , has introduced scalability and reliance on numerous third-party providers . Such factors have created a complex ecosystem where a single weak link can expose the entire network to cyber threats .
The Internet of Things ( IoT )
The adoption of IoT devices – from GPS trackers to real-time shipment monitors – has enhanced operational visibility . However , this interconnectivity also generates vast amounts of sensitive data , making it an appealing target that could expose sensitive data , or lead to the hijacking of delivery vehicles or cargo .
AI and automation
While AI and automation have streamlined supply chain operations and bolstered efficiencies , many logistics companies still rely on outdated legacy IT systems that are vulnerable to cyber threats due to their lack of modern security protocols .
Human error
Despite advancements in automated cyber-attack techniques , human error remains a vulnerability . Insider threats , whether intentional or accidental , often arise from poor security hygiene , such as falling victim to phishing campaigns .
The impact of cyber attacks on the supply chain
The potential impact of a cyber attack on the supply chain should not be downplayed . We ’ ve seen cases that have caused disruption such as the September 2024 Network Rail attack on 19 UK railway stations , and the attack on the Port of Seattle and Seattle- Tacoma International Airport which disrupted baggage handling systems and flight and baggage information screens . The Seattle attacks may have contributed to Biden ’ s Executive Order aimed at improving the cyber security measures of US ports .
Cyber attacks can devastate critical infrastructure , causing operational shutdowns , massive delays , and financial losses . Attacks may also result in longterm reputational damage for logistics providers and their partners . With successful ransomware attacks , huge payments can be demanded by hacker groups for the release of data or access to systems .
Global supply chains are complex . Logistics companies must work with thirdparty vendors , suppliers and partners , each with their own cyber security protocols . Supply chains often span different countries with varying rules and regulations around security measures . Just one weak link can expose the chain to cyber threats and disruptions .
So how should the logistics sector prevent and prepare for cyber attacks ?
Supplier management
Logistics companies must have a comprehensive understanding of their entire supply chain across different jurisdictions . This is critical for ensuring compliance with regional and international cyber security frameworks such as the GDPR for data protection , the NIST cyber security framework , the EU Network and Information