the challenges they face . SAF and battery technologies alone will not be enough to decarbonize the skies of tomorrow - but instead , a hybrid approach needs to be taken . A long-term vision is needed as solutions that will enable us to achieve long-term sustainability in aviation will not happen overnight .
How do you balance the need for intellectual property ( IP ) protection with the collaboration required to drive innovation in the decarbonization of aviation ?
We are in a highly competitive IP environment and need to protect our innovations - as such , we ’ ve filed over 40 patent applications for our technologies . But IP and innovation do not need to be in opposition . Instead , it ’ s important to focus on technologies that are not already addressed in the market to avoid stepping on the toes of other players ’ IP . This is what we ’ ve done by focusing on our key technologies : Hybrid Core and Hybrid OS .
In your experience , what are the main bottlenecks in the aviation